Many are quick to label Basic Income as a relic of socialist ideals. The rise of automation tells a different story. Consider this: Farming machines that once required multiple operators now have self-driving features. Companies are experimenting with autonomous vehicles for deliveries. And while the early days of this technology have plenty of failures. You will see them on the news, the failures are a learning experience. And the technology will continue to improve and become more prevalent.
These aren't futuristic scenarios; they're developments happening now. As technology advances, jobs that once required human hands and minds are becoming automated. This is narrowing the employment landscape. And this is happening in almost every facet of employment. From Agriculture, to Zoology.
Current projections indicate a staggering decline in job opportunities. This is due to automation and artificial intelligence. For instance, imagine today's job market shrinks from 100 available positions to just 10 in the near future. Such a contraction can lead to stagnation of wages and benefits. It can lead to companies forcing older employees into early retirement for lower wages. And this will leave many with no job prospects.
More and more over-qualified individuals will be employed in jobs that do not provide a living wage. Driving the individuals out who traditionally took those jobs. Demands for "living wages" in jobs traditionally meant for teens and young adults will increase. We are already seeing that. That will drive the push for automation and A.I. And this trend will continue.
Government created jobs can serve as a stop-gap. But usually result in unproductive roles that lack real-world application. And of course, millions of dollars in waste. The alternative of abandoning citizens to their own devices, leads to disaster. It creates an ethical and economic conundrum.
Here is my idea: what if we view Basic Income not as charity but as an investment in human capital? Envision a next-gen education system that uses A.I. as a personal tutor for adults. Imagine this system pays you a living wage to learn from the comfort of your home. This eliminates the need for costly physical educational facilities. The curriculum? A laser-focused, adaptive syllabus covering essential fields like mathematics, science, and languages. It would be constantly adapted to the individual student. Artificial Intelligence enables this adaptability as yet never seen. Except perhaps, by the children of the ultra wealthy. Some who were taught individually by expensive tutors. But even those tutors would not posses the breadth of material, and knowledge available thru an A.I.
Artificial Intelligence can revolutionize the way we learn. Unlike conventional educational methods, A.I. can constantly engage learners. It can constantly adapt to individual needs. And would even be able to gauge when a student is fatigued. Such a system wouldn't waste time on irrelevant subjects but would instead cultivate experts in critical fields.
Imagine if your textbook had a near infinite number of pages and chapters. You wouldn't want to try to learn the whole textbook. But, you would want to pursue a track that interests you and triggers a curiosity. And in this inspiration, there is a chance that you and the artificial intelligence might learn something new. Suddenly a new chapter is written in the ever expanding textbook. Society gains so much from this empowerment to learn and explore.
It's not a pipe dream. It's a realistic path to turning the United States into a global leader in education again.
Think of the impact on a broader scale. If just 1 out of 50 learners achieves something groundbreaking, the spillover benefits could be immense. We're not merely distributing resources. We are amplifying the potential for game-changing discoveries and innovations. And the payback to our society is immense. If you wish to think of this in evolutionary terms, this is an evolutionary leap. This is humanity evolved.
However, there's a significant roadblocks to such a revolutionary system. The conventional educational systems. The inclusion of legacy college and university models in this new paradigm would bring failure. It would only recycle the problems we're trying to solve. They often lack the flexibility and adaptive capabilities that this AI-based system would have. This, making their involvement counterproductive.
Government corruption is the second huge hurdle. Every politician in power got there with a thousand favors. The more money they raise, the more favors they owe. The more they owe, the more corrupt their actions. Every bill, every ear mark, every speech will be a manipulation of the system to benefit their donors.
We are not out to try and tame this beast of corruption. We are out to open source a full transparent system. One that resists corruption, where any citizen can see any part at any time. Completely vetted by the public. This is the only way to create this system with honesty. And to keep it honest.
That's wonderful to hear! Conviction is the first step toward action. Here are some things you can do to make a difference:
Thank you for taking the first step in becoming part of the solution. Together, we can work toward a more equitable and enlightened society.
Basic Income is a financial support provided by the government to its citizens, without any conditions such as employment status. The form of Basic Income I am suggesting is dependant on attendance of an advance continuing education system. So, rather than a free check, it is an investment which can give a return to society.
Automation can lead to job losses, wage stagnation, and an increase in economic inequality.
It's not about the unavailability of jobs per se, but the diminishing availability of jobs that provide a living wage and long-term security. As automation and A.I. technology advance, we're likely to see a significant decrease in traditional employment opportunities.
The focus here isn't on rewarding inaction, but providing a safety net while empowering people to upgrade their skills. This model aims to provide people with the resources they need to become more employable in a rapidly changing job market. This is also the most adaptable solution with a huge possible return on investment.
True, education should be a choice. However, this program offers an alternative that is not only economically viable but also intellectually stimulating. The idea is to create an option that people would willingly choose because it serves their best interests. They can opt out. But, that also means no check.
It's a substantial investment, but one that could pay long-term dividends in human capital, innovation, and overall societal well-being. Potential funding could come from restructured tax systems, reduced military spending, or a reallocation of existing education funds.
Industry should be very interested in investing in this as well. They have the potential to find the very best candidates with proven knowledge and skills.
Current educational systems are often one-size-fits-all and not adapted to the fast-paced changes in the job market. An AI-driven, tailored educational experience can provide specialized skills that are in high demand, increasing the individual's job prospects and societal value. This isn't the type of education system that fails thousands of neurodivergent children each year, because they do not fit in the one size fits all education system.
Because the alternative will be to pay them for doing nothing, which is loss to society. Or, to watch them become thieves and destructors of society while they starve, which is even worse.
There are political powers that would love to throw your tax dollars at a dead end system if they can manipulate it to gain more power and control. The system I am proposing, if continuously publicly vetted, empowers people to grow and become better. Not to become dependent on the government.
In return, we get more educated, more productive and more innovative citizens. We get a better society. We get all the advances and discoveries that a super individualized and targeted educational system can provide. This could launch a new era, the likes of which are hard to fathom.
"May your choices reflect your hopes, not your fears." — Nelson Mandela
While skepticism towards government effectiveness is understandable, it shouldn't deter us from striving for what's right. Yes, corruption exists, but that's all the more reason to fight for transparent, accountable systems. The goal of Basic Income and AI-driven education isn't just to introduce another program but to fundamentally rethink how society can evolve for the better.
If designed with adequate checks, balances, and public oversight, such a system can minimize corruption and maximize benefits.
We understand that the idea of Basic Income, combined with an AI-driven education model, can be polarizing and many have strong opinions on the subject. However, the purpose of this website is not necessarily to convince everyone outright, but to start a constructive dialogue and present an alternative perspective on how we can tackle the inevitable challenges brought by automation and technological advances.
We're not claiming to have all the answers, but we do believe that these ideas deserve thoughtful consideration and discussion. Even if we change just one person's mind, or spur a new idea in someone else, we consider that a step forward.
"You cannot pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first" -- unknown
I would expand on that quote, "You cannot pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first, so that you can take care of others, better."
The stronger we and our people are, the more ready and able we as individuals can be to help others. We can not help others if we are weak and broken. We can not help others if we are starving and homeless. We can not help others if we are uneducated and ignorant. We can not help others if we are sick and dying.
So, yes, America first. My neighbors first. My family first. Myself first. Then, I can help others. And I say I, because when the government gives a dollar, they spend $12, and $7 of that is in kickbacks. You can do the most good when you help others. I truly believe that in my heart, and I practice it, everyday.